Basic Tips

So, what’s this whole healthy thing all about anyway? We all have our own definition of what’s healthy. To give you an idea of what you can expect from my recipes, and what key principles I personally follow, I’ve created a list of quick tips for a healthier lifestyle.

  1. Whole foods. Our bodies need high-nutrient sources of energy in their natural state. Whole foods (foods that are unrefined, unprocessed, and free from additives) are the best way to avoid disease and stay in good shape. There are so many benefits to eating a whole food plant-based diet. It reduces the risk for heart disease and diabetes, increases energy, rids your body of toxins, leads to weight loss, benefits the environment, and has countless other benefits. So fill your plate with more veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit!
  2. Limit added sugar. We all like our sweets here and there, but why not indulge with natural sweeteners instead? Refined and artificial sugars cause weight gain, disease, inflammation, and countless other problems. It isn’t worth it!
  3. Water is essential. It helps you feel full and is vital to all our bodily functions. Get a reusable water bottle and take it everywhere you go. If you find water boring try adding some fruit or herbs and drink up!
  4. Taste the rainbow. The best way to ensure you are getting all the essential nutrients is to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Having variety keeps meal-time fun and enjoyable. You don’t need to eat the same “diet-foods” day-in and day-out!
  5. Limit packaged and processed foods. It seems like not a day goes by without a new study finding certain man-made ingredients are harming our body in one way or another. Our bodies were not designed for many of these unnatural substances. They lead to inflammation, obesity, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, and countless other issues. Clean and natural food sources are always the way to go!
  6. Awareness. Take the guesswork out of your diet by tracking your food consumption for a short period of time. For many, this can lead to obsessing over calories and macro-nutrients, so I don’t suggest doing this for more than a few weeks unless needed for medical reasons. However, I do believe it’s an eye-opening experience that brings a lot of awareness not only on how much you eat, but how often. You can also identify unhealthy patterns. Give it a try for a week. I suggest using an app, food scale, and measuring cups to see how much you truly eat and if you’re missing out on important food groups.
  7. All things in moderation. There’s no need to deprive yourself of anything. You can defeat FOMO and be healthy at the same time! Instead of deprivation give yourself guardrails and then commit to them. For example, limit yourself to a small dessert twice a week or allow yourself one item with added sugars each week. It’s ok to have a treat sometimes, but recognize that it’s just a treat—it shouldn’t happen on the regular.
  8. One size doesn’t fit all. Living a healthy lifestyle is about finding what is sustainable for you. Just because one person swears by some super trendy diet, doesn’t mean that’s what’s best for your body. Also recognize that bodies and our willingness to change fluctuates over time, so you may need to modify what you eat at different stages in your life.
  9. Preparation. When we plan ahead we are less likely to make impulsive decisions and can take the time to determine what we truly want to fuel our bodies with. Meal-prep is key. Going out to eat with friends? No problem. Look at the menu ahead of time and make a thoughtful decision. No healthy options on the menu? Eat beforehand and then order the healthiest small dish available to you. There is no reason to miss out on social outings!
  10. Have some fun! I’m all about healthy “spins” on recipes and lots of “spice”. Bring some adventure to meal-time and try out foreign spices, recipe swaps, or fresh produce you’ve never cooked with before. Sure you’re going to end up with a couple of #fail moments, but that’s a part of the fun! With time you will refine your cooking skills, discover new foods, and make healthy-eating delicious and fun!

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